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class ProfileSettingsClickedHyperskillAnalyticEvent(val target: HyperskillAnalyticTarget, val part: HyperskillAnalyticPart = HyperskillAnalyticPart.MAIN) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a common click analytic event for the ProfileSettingsFeature.
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class ProfileSettingsDeleteAccountNoticeHiddenHyperskillAnalyticEvent(isDeleteConfirmed: Boolean) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a hidden analytic event of the prompt to delete account.
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Represents a shown analytic event of the prompt to delete account.
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class ProfileSettingsSignOutNoticeHiddenHyperskillAnalyticEvent(isLogoutConfirmed: Boolean) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a hidden analytic event of the prompt to sign out.
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Represents a shown analytic event of the prompt to sign out.
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Represents a view analytic event.